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Harry Alfred Long

Mitchell Library, The Bailie

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Harry Alfred Long

Harry Alfred Long was a missionary and an anti-Catholic orator. Originally from Cambridge, Long came to Glasgow to work at St Jude’s Episcopal Church. He became a missionary with the Working Men’s Evangelical Society, helping to feed, clothe and find beds for the unemployed in the Bridgeton area.

Long was a committed Orangeman and an active supporter of the Conservative Party. A fiery orator, he drew large crowds on Glasgow Green to hear him “railing at the Pope and the Devil,” and he was a prolific writer of polemical tracts, leaflets and books. His attitude to Roman Catholicism is illustrated by a statement attributed to him: “I... could not shake hands with the Pope; I could only punch his head.”

Long’s views brought him into frequent conflict with the liberal churchman, John Page Hopps, with whom he sat on the Glasgow School Board.

Reference: Mitchell Library, 920.04BAI

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

anti-Catholicism, Conservative Party, Glasgow School Board, missionaries, Orange Order, Orangemen, orators, St Jude's Episcopal Church, unemployment, Working Men's Evangelical Society

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