A librarianship class at Glasgow and West of Scotland Commercial College, c 1949. The teacher is William Paton, Head of the Scottish School of Librarianship, and later County Librarian for Lanarkshire. He was elected President of the Library Association for 1960-1961.
The Scottish School of Librarianship was established at the College in 1946, one of only three library schools in the UK offering courses leading to the Final Examinations of the Library Association. Students were placed in West of Scotland libraries for two years' practical experience.
William Tyler became Head in 1950. At that time there were about thirty full-time students released by their local authorities for one session, and three part-time evening classes. A new course for teacher-librarians began in 1957, to meet the needs of expanding school libraries. In 1964 the library school became the Department of Librarianship at the University of Strathclyde, with Tyler still in place as Head.
Reference: P4/183/7
Reproduced with the permission of Strathclyde University Archives
classrooms, Glasgow and West of Scotland Commercial College, librarians, librarianship, Library Association, library schools, school libraries, Scottish School of Librarianship, students, teacher-librarians, University of Strathclyde, women
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