The cover of a souvenir brochure issued by Scottish Trades Union Congress for the Empire Exhibition, held at Bellahouston Park in 1938.
The symbolism is explained on the back of the cover: "The artist, Miss Rebecca Gallie, in her cover design for this brochure depicts some of Scotland's principal industries - Engineering, Shipbuilding, Mining, Fishing, and Transport - superimposed upon a map of Scotland. Dominating the design are symbolic representations of the workers upon whose energy, ability, and initiative the prosperity of Industry depends."
In 1939 the STUC reported that "the first print of 5,000 was soon exhausted, and a second print of 3,000 was necessary. The brochure dealt with trades union membership in Scotland, organisation among women workers, wages, hours of work, and holidays with pay. The work of the Scottish Trades Union Congress and its General Council was described, and the value of trade unionism to the workers emphasised."
Reference: GB 1847 STUC
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow Caledonian University, Research Collections, Archives
brochures, Empire Exhibition, exhibitions, industries, Scottish Trades Union Congress, souvenir brochures, STUC, trade unions, trades unions, women artists
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