A Glasgow shipyard, 1955.
This unfinished ship may be the City of Colombo, a cargo vessel built by Barclay, Curle & Co for Ellerman Lines and launched in February 1955. In the background, tenements press right up against the shipyard, showing how these massive ships dominated the neighbourhoods in which they were built.
In 1955 Partick Camera Club set out to create a photographic survey of Glasgow. As the project progressed, other camera clubs joined and each was allocated a district of the city to photograph. Glasgow Museums exhibited the photographs at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and at the People's Place, and in 1956 the exhibition was shown at the Palace of Art in Bellahouston Park. The photographs are now part of Glasgow Museums' collections.
Reference: 1005.97.285 / OG.1955.121.[237]
Reproduced with the permission of Partick Camera Club
Barclay, Curle & Co, City of Colombo, Clydeholm Shipyard, Ellerman Lines, Glasgow Photographic Survey 1955, sheds, shipbuilding, shipyards, stocks, tenements
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