A banner giving the names of Glaswegians who died fighting in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
In 1936 civil war broke out between the supporters of the democratically-elected government of the Spanish Second Republic and an alliance of monarchists, fascists, conservative Catholics and others who fought as Nationalists. The fascist governments of Italy and Germany sent men and munitions to the Nationalists while the communist USSR supported the Republicans. Many left-wing idealists went to Spain to fight for the Republicans, enrolling in the International Brigade.
Sixty-five Glaswegians died fighting in the Spanish Civil War. Almost one third of this number died in the Battle of Jarama on 12 February 1937, when 7,000 Republicans fell while attempting to prevent the Nationalists cutting Madrid off from the rest of Republican Spain. There were also significant Glaswegian losses at Aragon (1938), Ebro (1938) and Brunete (1937).
Reference: 40.82.147
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums
banners, Battle of Jarama, International Brigade, rolls of honour, socialism, socialists, Spanish Civil War
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