Added TheGlasgowStory: Old Snuff MIll Bridge


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Old Snuff MIll Bridge

Glasgow School of Art Archives

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Old Snuff MIll Bridge

The Old Snuff Mill Bridge across the White Cart Water at Cathcart, photographed by Duncan Brown probably in the 1880s or 1890s. The old mill buildings in the right, built as a meal mill in the 18th century and converted to a cardboard mill in 1812 (with a small snuff mill added two years later) were subsequently converted to houses.

Duncan Brown (1819-1897) was a talented amateur photographer whose work documents aspects of Glasgow life from the 1850s until the 1890s.

Reference: 41

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow School of Art Archive

bridges, cardboard mills, meal mills, Old Bridge, Old Snuff Mill Bridge, River Cart, rivers, snuff mills, White Cart Water

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