Girl Guides and Brownies outside Strathbungo Queen's Park Church in Queen's Drive, 1922. The church was built 1873-1875 for the Church of Scotland. It was designed by James Thomson (1835-1905) in the Dec (Decorated) style of English Gothic architecture.
The Girl Guides were established in 1910 because so many girls had asked if they could join the Boy Scouts. I n 1914 a junior section for girls aged 8-11 was set up and initially called Rosebuds. This name was later changed to Brownies, the magical creatures of folklore. In the 1920s the Girl Guide uniform consisted of a stiff-brimmed navy blue felt hat, navy blue clothes and a neckerchief. The Brownie uniform was a brown tunic dress and a straw hat.
The pack's toadstool is at the front of the photograph. According to folk tales, brownies often danced round toadstools. Some Brownie packs had their own so that the girls could emulate their mythical namesakes.
Reference: 970.86.538
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums
Brownies, Church of Scotland, churches, flags, Girl Guides, girls, Rosebuds, Strathbungo Queen's Park Parish Church, toadstools, uniforms, women
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