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Lepidodendron branch

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Geology Collection

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Lepidodendron branch

Part of a Lepidodendron branch at the Fossil Grove in Victoria Park dating from 330 million years ago.

Lepidodendron was a giant clubmoss which grew to over 40 metres high. It had a long straight trunk which only forked into a crown of branches near the top of the tree. The most recently grown branches had leaves which grew straight out of the tree from leaf bases on the bark. When the leaves fell off they did not grow back but left a pattern of diamond-shaped scars which can be seen on this branch.

Different parts of giant clubmosses are usually preserved separately and for this reason their fossil remains have been given different names. Lepidodendron is the name given to its trunk and branches, while Stigmaria is the name for the roots and Lepidostrobus is the name for the cones.

Reference: N1565

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

fossil trees, fossils, giant clubmosses, Lepidodendrons, parks, Victoria Park

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