Chemical Workers by Stephen Adam, c 1878, one of twenty stained glass windows made for Maryhill Burgh Halls illustrating the work of local trades and professions. This window shows two men in a chemical works, surrounded by laboratory apparatus.
As the textile industry grew in and around Glasgow, it stimulated demand for bleaches and dyes. Several chemical works were established in the city, most in the north. In the 19th century Charles Tennant & Co's St Rollox Chemical Works at Sighthill grew to become the largest in Europe.
Reference: 621.86.29 / TEMP.8250
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museum
bell jars, bleaches, Charles Tennant & Co, chemical manufacturers, chemical workers, chemical works, dyes, laboratories, Maryhill Burgh Halls, St Rollox Chemical Works, stained glass windows, test tubes
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