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Shuttle Street excavations

West of Scotland Archaeology Service

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Shuttle Street excavations

An archaeological excavation on the north side of Shuttle Street, looking north to Nicholas Street.

This has been inhabited since mediaeval times and Nicholas Street today is the same width as in the middle ages. Nicholas Street and Shuttle Street form two of the sides of the old Greyfriars Wynd which led to the 15th century Franciscan Friary nearby. Franciscans wore grey habits and were popularly known as the Grey Friars.

The archaeologists found fascinating traces of mediaeval occupation during their work in Shuttle Street. The feature in the middle of the photograph (with the red and white ranging rods) is the cross section of the mediaeval boundary ditch. The ditch ran along the back of houses and other buildings which faced onto the High Street. Also found on this site were traces of a water channel which brought water from Deanside Well (now built over) to the 13th century Dominican Friary which was situated across High Street, at the end of Ingram Street. Dominicans wore black habits and were known as the Black Friars.

Reference: 5118

Reproduced with the permission of the West of Scotland Archaeology Service

archaeology, Black Friars, Deanside Well, Dominican Friary, Dominicans, excavations, Franciscan Friary, Franciscans, Grey Friars, habits, mediaeval boundary ditches, monks, water channels

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