The University of Glasgow's Bute Hall looking towards the organ gallery in 1996, with desks laid out for examinations. The interior is designed to impress, with slender cast-iron columns and a decorated vaulted roof. It was inaugurated in 1884, and is used for examinations, graduations, church services, public lectures, and other special occasions.
The Bute Hall's organ is played at graduation ceremonies. It was built by the firm of Lewis and installed in 1904. In 1962 it was substantially rebuilt to the scheme of Frederick Rimmer. The doorway underneath the organ leads to a hallway connecting to the Hunterian Museum. The overhead lighting was designed to replicate the head of the University Mace.
Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU4/19
University of Glasgow
auditoria, auditoriums, Bute Hall, cast-iron, examinations, Gilbert Scott Building, graduations, halls, maces, organ galleries, organs, University mace, University of Glasgow buildings, vaulted roofs
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