The Practice of Medicine Lecture Theatre on the first floor of the University of Glasgow's Gilbert Scott Building, 1976. The style is typical of lecture theatres in the late 19th century.
The Chair of Practice of Medicine was instituted in 1637, the first professor being Robert Mayne, a former regent. It lapsed in 1646, but was revived in 1712 and endowed the following year by Queen Anne. The title was changed in 1989 to the Chair of Medicine and Therapeutics, when the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics was established following the merger of two University Departments: Medicine at the Glasgow Western Infirmary, and Materia Medica at Stobhill General Hospital.
Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU2/62
University of Glasgow
auditoria, auditoriums, Gilbert Scott Building, Glasgow Western Infirmary, lecture theatres, Materia Medica, Medicine and Therapeutics, Practice of Medicine, professors, Stobhill General Hospital, University of Glasgow buildings
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