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Old Court Room

Glasgow University Archive Services, Building Photographs

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Old Court Room

The Old Court Room, in University of Glasgow's Gilbert Scott Building.

The University Court was created by the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858, which attempted to give all the Scottish universities a more balanced and effective system of government. Under the Act, the Senate (comprising the Principal and all the professors) was responsible for the University finances, property, revenues, teaching and discipline. The University Court was made responsible for reviewing the Senate's decisions, nominating professors (other than the Regius professors), and ensuring the professors and the Principal carried out their duties.

This system was subsequently held to have given too much power to the Senate, and under the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1889, responsibility for all University property and finances was entrusted to the Court. It also had responsibility for some appointments and could nominate a third of the membership of the committees responsible for managing the University's library and the Hunterian Museum. The Senate remained responsible for all academic matters.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, PHU2/2

University of Glasgow

Gilbert Scott Building, Glasgow University Library, Hunterian Museum, Old Court Room, Senate, Universities (Scotland) Act, 1858, University Court, University of Glasgow buildings

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