Coloured cartoon from the Northern Looking Glass 9 January 1826, the second in a series of cartoons depicting events in Glasgow at Hogmanay. The cartoon is entitled "Drawing Room" and the caption says it is "half past 9 pm... cheerful merry people who have partaken of the good fare provided for them at dinner by their hospitable entertainers are engaged in some lively round game such as Commerce or Speculation. The moustachioed dandy is a favourite with the lady sat next to him who slyly gives him a peep of her cards behind her chair... observe the satisfaction with which the good-looking man at the end of the table sweeps towards him the stakes that he has gained, seemingly more attentive to his winnings than to the ladies around him, whilst the sour look of a would-be young lady marks her disappointments in perhaps more ways than one."
In the adjoining room "a snug party of whist composed of more elderly personages retired for the bustle and laughter of the round table... the gent finding the game up with him throws down his cards whilst the skilful/fortunate antagonist cannot conceal his joy. The whist party broke up, the young people after protracting their game as long as possible are also obliged to settle their accounts and adjourn to the Supper table where they wait upon the announcement of the New Year..."
Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8
Glasgow University Library, Special Collections
card games, card tables, chandeliers, dandies, drawing rooms, fashions, gambling, Glasgow Looking Glass, Hogmanay, lithographs, New Year's eve, Northern Looking Glass, playing cards, women
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