Coloured cartoon from the Northern Looking Glass 28 November 1825, entitled "Amateur Concert". It depicts a group of musicians gathered round a piano in the drawing room, "entertaining" a small audience. The old gentleman on the far left is yawning. The younger man behind him is cutting through the candle, presumably in a desperate attempt to bring the evening to an early close. The girl in red seems more intent on adjusting her décolletage than listening to the music.
Undeterred, the musicians play on and the girl on the far right is singing with such gusto that one fears for the safety of her tonsils. A small dog sits up and begs - presumably for an end to the din!
Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8
Glasgow University Library, Special Collections
boys, candles, concerts, dogs, drawing rooms, flutes, girls, Glasgow Looking Glass, guitars, interiors, lamps, lithographs, musicians, Northern Looking Glass, oil lamps, pianos, women
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