A coloured cartoon from the Northern Looking Glass 3 September 1825, entitled "Part of Crypt under the Choir and Chapter House of Glasgow Cathedral".
The Barony congregation met in the crypt until 1798, after which the space was partly filled with earth and divided up with iron railings to serve as a graveyard. By the 1820s there was a clamour for the crypt to be restored to its original state. The cartoonist depicts it in its former condition when the pillars and arches could be seen in their correct proportions and light could enter through the full length of the great Gothic windows. The earth graveyard was finally removed in the 1840s.
Reference: Sp Coll Bh14-x.8
Glasgow University Library, Special Collections
arches, Barony Church, cemeteries, crypts, Glasgow Cathedral, Glasgow Looking Glass, Gothic, graveyards, lithographs, Northern Looking Glass, windows
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