New flats built by Glasgow Corporation Housing Department at the corner of Glen Ogle Street and Sandyhills Road, 1950. There are eighteen flats in the building, nine of three apartments and nine of four apartments. The ground floor contains three-apartment flats and pram stores, while the four-apartment flats are on the upper floor.
The flats are of traditional construction, with brick outer walls and partitions, while the upper floor and roof are of timber. This scheme was the first scheme of flats in the Corporation's post-war building programme to have a pitched roof, a recognition of the problems that beset flat roofs when exposed to the wet Scottish climate.
The housing scheme was built by the Direct Labour Organisation in just over nine months, from August 1949 to June 1950. The flats were the exception rather than the rule in the Sandyhills area. Surrounding them were 205 post-war prefabricated bungalows, which were eventually demolished in the 1970s.
Reference: D-AP9/7/10/85
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries, Information and Learning
council houses, Direct Labour Organisation, flats, Glasgow Corporation, Housing Department, housing estates, housing schemes, prefabricated houses, prefabs, roofs, streetscenes
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