Lord Provost Robert Gray performs the key-turning ceremony at the showhouse at 10 Blackfaulds Gardens, Garthamlock, to formally open a new housing development. Also in the photograph, which appeared in the November 1985 issue of Glasgow City Council's newspaper The Bulletin, are (from left) local councillor Denis Murphy, Alan Nixon of Central Building Contractors and development executive Edward Telford.
The Blackfaulds Estate was a joint venture between the Council and constructors Central Building Contractors. It was the first estate to be built by independent contractors under licence to the council, to provide low cost housing for sale for the first time in an outer estate. The Council's contribution was to demolish tenements containing flats that could no longer be let, and then transfer the land to the builders. The resulting cost savings were passed on to the purchasers, with priority being given to tenants on the Council waiting list. The first phase involved the construction of 127 new houses.
Reference: Bulletin photographs, Box 10, November 1985
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Blackfaulds Estate, builders, Bulletin, Central Building Contractors, construction engineers, housing estates, housing schemes, lord provosts, opening ceremonies, showhouses
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