"The Connaughtman's Description of Glasgow", a song preserved in a scrapbook entitled Old Glasgow Street Songs etc, 1850 which is held at the Mitchell Library.
The song describes and Irish immigrant's first impressions of Glasgow: the herrings landed at the Broomielaw, the wondrous glass roof of the Argyll Arcade; the Royal Exchange; the statues in George Square; the equestrian statue of King William III at Glasgow Cross; Nelson's Monument at Glasgow Green; cotton mills and street sweepers in Bridgeton; steam boats and steam locomotives and a pawn shop.
Reference: GC 398.5 GLA
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Argyll Arcade, coaches, cotton mills, folks songs, herrings, immigrants, Irish, locomotives, looms, lyrics, Old Glasgow Street Songs etc, 1850, poetry, River Clyde, steamboats, street songs
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