Added TheGlasgowStory: Quarrybrae School


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Quarrybrae School

Glasgow City Archives, Department of Education

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Quarrybrae School

Girls and boys lined up in a junior classroom (for children of 7 to 10 years of age) at Quarrybrae School in Parkhead in 1916. The doors on the left of this photograph led into the central hall of the school.

The two sections of the folding wall (visible on each side of the classroom) could be pulled across to divide the room and form two classrooms. The teachers' desks and a blackboard in the near room have been moved to the wall to allow the children to form up for the photograph. In the background, a teacher is standing next to a blackboard showing the letters of the alphabet.

Glasgow School Board schools were "mixed" although girls and boys used separate entrances, playground and cloakrooms. This classroom could be divided to permit separate lessons for boys and girls.

Reference: D-ED 5/13/5

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

blackboards, children, classrooms, girls, pianos, primary schools, pupils, Quarrybrae Primary School, Quarrybrae Public School, Quarrybrae School, teachers, women

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