A woodwork class in St Rollox Public School in Garngad (subsequently renamed Roystonhill) in 1916. While girls in Glasgow Board schools were being instructed in cookery or needlework, the boys were instructed in "manual skills" such as working with clay or cardboard (mostly for primary school children) and woodwork. The intention was to foster "hand and eye" skills, and to offer training in basic skills that a boy might need when he left school at 14 years of age and sought an apprenticeship with a tradesman.
This classroom is very well equipped with tools and work benches. There are lathes and metal rulers on every bench and a large selection of chisels in a rack at the side of the room.
One boy in the foreground is bare-footed. From 1908 school boards were permitted to provide clothing (including foorwear) in "necessitous cases".
Reference: D-ED 5/14/5
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
bare feet, children, classrooms, Glasgow School Board, manual skills, primary schools, pupils, St Rollox Public School, woodwork classes, workshops
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