Advertisements from the Post Office Glasgow directory of 1853-1854 for the wine and spirit merchant Charles Nairn and Richard Johnston's herbal medicine centre, the British and American Medico-Botanic Depot (founded in 1848).
"Alternative" medicines and health treatments such as those involving the uses of herbs and plants remained popular throughout the Victorian age. Dr Dale's postal consultancy rate of 5 shillings (25p) suggests that the Depot's facilities and advice would have been beyond the reach of all but the more affluent of Glasgow's citizens.
Reference: Mitchell Library, DIR 1853-54
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
advertisements, bath houses, British and American Medico-Botanic Depot, directories, health clubs, herbal treatments, homeopathy, medical botany, Post Office Glasgow directory, private baths, wine and spirit merchants
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