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Mitchell Library, PO Directories

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Advertisements from the Post Office Glasgow directory of 1852-1853 for William Stimpson's new Globe Hotel on Great Clyde Street, Cranston's Hotel and Dining Rooms and the wood engraver B Massey.

Stimpson had previously been proprietor of the Globe Hotel on the west side of George Square.

George Cranston was a baker and pastry maker who became proprietor of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Chop House and Commercial Lodgings in George Square in 1849. The hotel became the Royal Horse and then Cranston's. He was the father of Stuart (1848-1921), who became a tea dealer, and of Kate (1849-1934), the founder of a celebrated chain of Glasgow tea rooms and famously a patron of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Reference: Mitchell Library, DIR 1852-53

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

advertisements, Cranston's Hotel and Dining Rooms, Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Chop House and Commercial Lodgings, Globe Hotel, hotels, Post Office Glasgow directory, restaurants, Royal Horse Hotel, tea rooms, wood engravers

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