Added TheGlasgowStory: College Garden


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College Garden

Mitchell Library, Foulis Academy Prints

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College Garden

This engraving by Robert Paul was cut in 1762 and shows the north end of the College Garden Walk, the avenue that lay behind the main buildings of the University of Glasgow on High Street.

On the other side of the wall at the end of the avenue is the building known as the Duke of Montrose's Lodgings and its arbour (the structure resembling a haystack and beyond that the spire of Glasgow Cathedral. Through the trees to the left are the University buildings, the most distinctive being the library with its tall windows. These windows lit the room which housed the Foulis Academy for the duration of its existence between 1754 and 1775.

Reference: Mitchell Library, FA 16/3

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

arbours, College Gardens, Duke of Montrose's Lodgings, Foulis Academy, Foulis Collection, Glasgow Cathedral, Glasgow University Library, libraries, Old College, University of Glasgow, views

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