Added TheGlasgowStory: Drygate and the Cathedral


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Drygate and the Cathedral

Mitchell Library, Foulis Academy Prints

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Drygate and the Cathedral

This view of Glasgow Cathedral by Robert Paul is from the high ground to the south, c 1750.

The street running from the bottom right corner up the hill is the Drygate. The buildings in the bottom right corner were the kilns of John Scherar. Across the road are what may be the mills of the Subdean of the Cathedral. To the left of the cathedral in the distance are the ruins of the Bishop's Castle.

Reference: Mitchell Library, FA 11/1

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Bishop's Castle, Bishop's Palace, Foulis Academy, Foulis Collection, Glasgow Cathedral, kilns, mills, St Nicholas' Hospital

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