The Atholl Arms at the corner of Renfield Street and Renfrew Street, photographed in 1963.
The site was occupied by the Criterion Restaurant during the 1920s and some of the original stained glass remains from that period. In the 1960s it was regarded as a traditional working man's pub, although its location made it popular with people working in theatres and at the nearby Scottish Televison studios. It was refurbished more than once in the later years of the 20th century, both internally and externally, and became a more fashionable cafe-bar serving up meals and live musical entertainment.
Reference: Glasgow City Archives, D-PL 2/1/2075
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Atholl Arms, cafe-bars, Criterion Restaurant, live music venues, public houses, pubs, restaurants, Scottish Television, stained glass, STV, theatres
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