The unveiling of the International Brigade memorial on the Clyde Walkway, Customs House Quay, on 23 February 1980. Arthur Dooley's sculpture is of Dolores Ibarruri, "La Pasionaria", whose fiery speeches in support of the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War inspired many of the volunteers. The speaker holding the crowd's attention on this occasion is Jack Jones, a veteran of the International Brigade who became General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union and a leading figure in the trade union movement.
Funding for the memorial was raised by the Glasgow Branch of the International Brigade Association. The inscription under the monument reads: "The City of Glasgow and the British Labour movement pay tribute to the courage of those men and women who went to Spain to fight fascism 1936-39. 2,100 volunteers went from Britain. 534 were killed, 65 of whom came from Glasgow."
Reference: P9128
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Clyde Walkway, Custom House Quay, fascism, International Brigade Association, monuments, sculptures, Spanish Civil War, statues, Transport and General Workers Union, veterans, volunteers, war memorials
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