Added TheGlasgowStory: Pettigrew & Stephens Sale, 1933


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Pettigrew & Stephens Sale, 1933

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Pettigrew & Stephens Sale, 1933

Ladies' underwear illustrated in a sale catalogue issued by Pettigrew & Stephens in January 1933.

"Underpinnings" of the early 1930s continued to show the influence of the traditional corset. Although most of these undergarments boasted “no boning”, boning was available for women who felt it was necessary. The one-piece garments known as corsets consisted of a brassiere and girdle with garters. By the late 'thirties, the separate bra and girdle had become acceptable, but one-piece corsets continued to be widely available.

The 1930s woman wore underclothes which were reduced in number and thickness to a weight estimated at one tenth of the underwear carried around by her Victorian counterparts.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 381.14106541443 PET

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Archives

brassieres, corsets, department stores, fashions, girdles, Pettigrew & Stephens, sale catalogues, shopping, shops, underpinnings, underwear, women

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