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School classroom

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Postcards Collection

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School classroom

A postcard view of the interior of a classroom at Our Lady and St Francis School in Charlotte Street, c 1910. The furnishings are typical of many Scottish schools of the period.

In 1846 Franciscan Sisters settled in Charlotte Street, on the edge of Glasgow Green, and opened a girls' school attached to their convent that became Our Lady and St Francis School. The original school was greatly extended by the opening of a new block in 1923. Further extensions were built in the 1950s and 1960s, which required the demolition of David Dale's historic mansion. The school was closed in 1989 despite a campaign featuring many influential former pupils.

Reference: Mitchell Library GC Postcards

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

classrooms, convents, desks, Franciscan Sisters, Franciscans, Glasgow Green, mansions, nuns, Our Lady and St Francis Franciscan Convent, Our Lady and St Francis School, postcards, schools

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