A postcard illustrating Napiershall Street School, in the early years of the 20th century. The cast iron railings and lamp posts were a notable feature.
Opened around 1900, Napiershall Street School was a primary school which sent its pupils on to Woodside Secondary School. The school closed around 1980 and the building is now the The Napiershall Street Centre, "serving the community, in particular black and ethnic minority groups." Organisations which have found a base there include Impact Arts, the West of Scotland Racial Equality Council, the African & Caribbean Resource Centre, the Chinese Community Development Project, the Scottish Asian Action Committee, Pan African Arts Scotland and the Asian Women's Support Group.
Reference: Mitchell Library GC Postcards
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
African and Caribbean Resource Centre, Asian Women's Support Group, black and ethnic minority groups, cast iron, Chinese Community Development Project, Impact Arts, lamp posts, Napiershall Street Centre, Napiershall Street School, Pan African Arts Scotland, postcards, primary schools, railings, Scottish Asian Action Committee, West of Scotland Racial Equality Council, Woodside Secondary School
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