A postcard view of Lynedoch Place in the 1920s. The Scots Guards' Club was at No 12, the last house on the left.
The club opened in 1924, to provide accommodation and social facilities for ex-soldiers who had served in the regiment and their families. The Scots Guards recruited throughout Scotland and many Glasgow men served in the regiment during the First World War. Figures for 1934 show that 75 of the 194 men who enlisted in Scotland were from Glasgow.
The club was very busy in the years during and after the Second World War but declining membership and rising costs led to its closure in 1980. The building was converted into private residential accommodation. A Scots Guards Club continues to exist in Edinburgh.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC Postcards
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
clubs, postcards, Scots Guards' Club, soldiers, tenements
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