A Chinese workman helps put the finishing touches to the Shanghai Pavilion at the Glasgow Garden Festival in 1988. He is one of a squad of craftsmen who travelled from the People's Republic of China to participate in the construction of the Shanghai Pavilion Garden.
The garden was laid out in the style of the Yangtse delta, with the pavilion overlooking water and rocky outcrops. It included a ceramic moongate and plants of Chinese origin, many of which are now familiar in the West.
Oriental influences at the Garden Festival were also evident in the Hong Kong Friendship Garden, the CBC Bonsai Garden and the Dalian Garden. The Japan-Osaka Garden looked forward to the Osaka Garden Festival due to be held in 1990.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f607.3441443 GLA
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
CBC Bonsai Garden, Dalian Garden, exhibitions, gardens, Glasgow Garden Festival, Hong Kong Friendship Garden, horticulture, Japan-Osaka Garden, moongates, Osaka Garden Festival, 1990, River Yangtse, Shanghai Pavilion Garden
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