Added TheGlasgowStory: Glasgow Garden Festival


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Glasgow Garden Festival

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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Glasgow Garden Festival

The Crystal Pavilion at the Glasgow Garden Festival. Some of the 495 blue glass panels can be seen, reflecting light, colour and movement.

The Crystal Pavilion was organised by staff from the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, under the direction of Graham Durant. Its aim was to educate through entertainment. The Pavilion was described as a fantasy in crystal developed from the fundamental unit of the hexagonal quartz structure, a creation of angular geometry.

Inside, the exhibition included stands at which local companies involved in advanced technology were able to display their products. Crystal gardens illustrated crystals in nature, with eye-catching mineral specimens. Lasers and holograms produced stunning visual displays. Visitors were able to participate in interactive video, computer art and design and software games.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f607.3441443 GLA

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

crystal gardens, Crystal Pavilion, crystals, exhibitions, festivals, Glasgow Garden Festival, glass, holograms, Hunterian Museum, lasers, minerals, pavilions, quartz, technology companies, University of Glasgow

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