The Bell's Bridge, seen here from the south, was built especially for the Glasgow Garden Festival of 1988. On the other side of the river is the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, opened in 1985, which housed some of the Festival's indoor shows and events.
The first significant footbridge to cross the Clyde in 120 years, Bell's Bridge cost over a million pounds to build, some of which was contributed by Arthur Bell & Son. It is 124 metres long and opens to allow ships to pass through. It provided an impressive passageway to the Garden Festival, particularly when lit up at night.
Despite periods of closure during the years following the Festival, the Bell's Bridge continues in use for pedestrians and cyclists in 2003, confounding the cynics who predicted that it would have no long term future.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f607.3441443 GLA
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Bell's Bridge, Bell's Whisky, bridges, exhibitions, festivals, footbridges, Glasgow Garden Festival, River Clyde, Scotch whisky, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, SECC
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