The white and gold Industrial Hall was the main building at the International Exhibition of 1901. Architect James Miller produced an oriental style edifice, often referred to as the "Eastern Palace". Prefabricated panels of plaster on a sacking base provided the foundation, with half a million yards of cloth used as backing. The Grand Dome in the centre was 180 feet high. The golden angel on top, carrying an electric torch, was a personification of light.
Inside the Industrial Hall, the exhibition space of 700 x 360 feet was filled by a variety of stands and pavilions. Department stores, manufacturers of household goods, foodstuffs, armaments and motor cars featured prominently. In addition to countries of the British Empire, there were stands displaying the products of countries such as France, Morocco, Denmark, Russia, Austria and Persia. This allowed the Exhibition of 1901 to justify the use of the title "international" to a greater extent than its predecessor in 1888.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 606.4 (1901)
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries and Archives
angels, domes, Eastern Palace, exhibitions, Industrial Hall, International Exhibition, 1901, oriental
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