Added TheGlasgowStory: International Exhibition, 1901


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International Exhibition, 1901

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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International Exhibition, 1901

A much prized invitation to the opening of the Glasgow International Exhibition of 1901. The president, Lord Blythswood, was host to the royal guests when they came to Glasgow for the opening ceremony.

The death of Queen Victoria in January 1901 caused some disruption to the arrangements. Originally it had been intended that the Queen would be the patron and, as in 1888, the Exhibition would be opened by the Prince of Wales. As it was the new sovereign, King Edward VII, was unable to attend the official opening. His daughter, Princess Louise, Duchess of Fife, was delegated to perform the ceremony along with her husband, the Duke of Fife.

The revised arrangements were regarded as something of a blow to civic pride in Glasgow. Hopes were expressed that the King would be able to visit the Exhibition in the autumn, but this did not turn out to be the case. Another source of disappointment, for the ladies at any rate, was the request that half-mourning be observed.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f606.4 (1901)

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries and Archives

exhibitions, International Exhibition, 1901, invitations, opening ceremonies

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