The crush at the Bodega Bar at the International Exhibition, 1888.
Glasgow's ambivalent attitude to alcohol was reflected in the provision of refreshment facilities at the Exhibition. The influential temperance lobby opposed the opening of outlets for the sale of alcohol, but the need to cater for the demands of visitors from around the world outweighed fears of drunken or disorderly conduct. The sole contract to provide alcohol to Exhibition-goers was awarded to George Mackenzie.
The Bodega Bar in the Main Building naturally had a Spanish theme -a bodega is a Spanish wine shop, and "bodega bars" serving wines, ports and sherries from the wood became very fashionable in the city. To the dismay of many visitors and the amusement of this cartoonist, a long bar and a staff of 175 often proved inadequate to cope with the demand from thirsty customers.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 606.4 (1888)
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries and Archives
bars, Bodega Bar, bodega bars, bodegas, exhibitions, International Exhibition, 1888, Royal Bungalow, temperance, wine bars
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