Scotland accounted for two thirds of the exhibitors at the International Exhibition of 1888, with many Glasgow firms featuring prominently. The coachbuilders James Henderson & Sons’ stand attracted much favourable comment.
Hendersons had already established a reputation as builders of high quality carriages and were regular prize winners at exhibitions. Alexander Henderson had studied coach building in Paris under Albert Dupont, one of the best known carriage draughtsmen of his day. The company’s use of steel rather than iron in combination with wood permitted the construction of light carriages which did not lack strength and durability.
Exhibits on display at the Exhibition included a landau, a brougham, a family omnibus, an "Elysian" Victoria and a chapel cart.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f606.4 (1888)
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries and Archives
broughams, carriage builders, carriages, chapel carts, coach builders, coaches, Elysian Victorias, exhibitions, exhibitors, horses, International Exhibition, 1888, James Henderson & Sons, landaus, omnibuses
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