Emile Berger (b1838?) was a pianist and music teacher.
Born in Berlin, Berger was brought at an early age to London where he took up the pianoforte. He became an accomplished pianist and was much in demand by leading singers of the day as an accompanist. In 1865 he accepted an engagement to be the accompanist at Glasgow City Hall Saturday Evening Concerts. Soon afterwards he married and settled in the city.
As the pianoforte became increasingly fashionable in Victorian households Berger was able to make a good living as a music teacher. He also became well-known as a composer for the piano, many of his works being inspired by Scottish themes.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 920.04 BAI
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
accompanists, City Halls, composers, concerts, music teachers, pianists, pianoforte, pianos, singers
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