Added TheGlasgowStory: Fergus Ferguson


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Fergus Ferguson

Mitchell Library, The Bailie

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Fergus Ferguson

Fergus Ferguson (1835-1905) was a minister of the United Presbyterian Church.

Ferguson was ordained as minister of the United Presbyterian Church at Dalkeith in 1864. In 1876 he took up the vacancy at Queen's Park United Presbyterian Church and he lived to see the UP’s union with the Free Church to form the United Free Church of Scotland in 1900.

Never afraid to court controversy, Ferguson condemned the celebrations at the time of the centenary of Robert Burns in 1869 and survived an investigation on a complaint of heresy a year later. He attacked the Westminster Confession of Faith at Glasgow Presbytery in 1877 and accusations of libellous statements led to his temporary suspension. His later years were more peaceful although he continued to publish sermons.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 920.04 BAI

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

ministers, Queen's Park United Presbyterian Church, sermons, United Free Church of Scotland, United Presbyterian Church, Westminster Confession of Faith

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