Peter Mackenzie (1799-1875) was a journalist, publisher and lawyer.
Mackenzie trained as a lawyer but favoured journalism. He founded the periodical The Loyal Reformers' Gazette in 1831, as a forum for his political views and particularly to campaign for parliamentary reform. It continued under a number of titles until 1864.
In 1865 Mackenzie published Old Reminiscences of Glasgow, a selection of articles from the Gazette on the political and social life of the city. Many of the “reminiscences” are scurrilous gossip and his comment, “we hope we offend no one by these stories”, was disingenuous. Their publication did nothing to harm his popularity with most Glaswegians, however, and one commentator claimed that he was the "best known man in the city" during the mid-19th century.
Reference: Mitchell Library, 920.04BAI
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
authors, historians, journalists, lawyers, publishers, The Loyal Reformers' Gazette
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