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Kelvin Hall Circus
Kelvin Hall Circus

Education at the Art Galleries
Education at the Art Galleries

Norrie Gilliland

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Norrie lives in the West End of Glasgow. He is a Director of Peoplematters, a learning and development company based near Stirling. He has published several business books and articles, and "Glasgow's Forgotten Village – the Grahamston Story" was his first book on local history. He has two grown-up children and two grandchildren.

Norrie Gilliland has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

1770s to 1830s - Neighbourhoods: Grahamston
Grahamston first appeared on the map of Glasgow around 1680 as a row of cottages running along the n...
1830s to 1914 - Neighbourhoods: Grahamston
The opening of the Royal Exchange in 1829/30 and the Corn Exchange in 1843 ushered in a new era of c...

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