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Jenny Cronin

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Jenny Cronin completed her PhD thesis at the Centre for History of Medicine, Glasgow University, on "The origins and development of Scottish Convalescent Homes, 1860-1939". She is currently working for the Cambridge Group of History of Population and Social Structure on a Scottish demographic project.

Jenny Cronin has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

1770s to 1830s - Everyday Life: Health and Sickness
According to Dr A K Chalmers, Glasgow's Medical Officer of Health, 1898-1925, during the earlier par...
1830s to 1914 - Everyday Life: Health and Sickness
Between 1830 and 1914 appalling social conditions in Glasgow reeked havoc upon the health of its cit...
1914 to 1950s - Everyday Life: Health and Sickness
By 1914 major fever epidemics in Glasgow had subsided, respiratory illness declined, and childhood d...

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