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John Riddell

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John Riddell is the author of the history of the Clyde titled <i>The Clyde – the making of a river</i>. He has also written many features about the river and its shipping, as well as technical reports and other publications through his work as a Civil Engineer.

John Riddell has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

1560 to 1770s - Trade and Communications: Waterways
The channel of the River Clyde between Glasgow and the natural deepwater of the open sea in its natu...
1560 to 1770s - Trade and Communications: The Harbour
The early trade of Glasgow made little use of the River Clyde that linked the town to the sea. The ...
1770s to 1830s - Trade and Communications: The Harbour
Despite the construction of the new link to the Forth the growing trade of Glasgow resulted in renew...
1830s to 1914 - Trade and Communications: The Harbour
The eighty years leading up to the First World War saw Glasgow Harbour undergo massive expansion. I...
1914 to 1950s - Trade and Communications: The Harbour
As with many ports in Britain, the years following the Great War saw a steady decline in the fortune...
1950s to The Present Day - Trade and Communications: The Harbour
Buoyant trade in the decade after the Second World War was accompanied by the start of four dramatic...

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