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Castlemilk, 1954

Glasgow City Archives, Department of Architectural and Civic Design

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Castlemilk, 1954

Open fields on Ardencraig Road, Castlemilk, photographed just prior of their being built over as part of the Castlemilk housing estate, in 1954.

Castlemilk housing estate was developed by Glasgow Corporation from 1953 as one of four large estates on the outskirts of the city, for families displaced by inner city slum clearances. There were open spaces, fresh air and bathrooms in the houses, providing welcome improvements on life in the overcrowded tenements of the inner city.

Unfortunately, poor initial planning resulted in a shortage of local employment opportunities and such basic amenities as schools and shops. Many tenants came to feel isolated on what became viewed as a sprawling peripheral estate lacking in social and recreational facilities. Since the 1980s, however, large-scale investment in a diverse range of new and upgraded housing and the provision of new sports, retailing, arts and leisure facilities has encouraged renewed vitality in Castlemilk.

Reference: Post-war housing no.2, A/9/F/75

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Glasgow Corporation, housing estates, housing schemes, slum clearance, urban regeneration

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