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Albion lorry

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Albion lorry

A 3 ton, six wheel Albion lorry ordered for the British Colony in Uganda.

The Albion Motor Car Co began building cars at the end of the 19th century. In 1913 the decision was made to concentrate on the construction of lorries and goods vehicles at its factory in Scotstoun, and Albion vehicles were exported all over the world. Albions were particularly popular because their chassis were bolted together, not welded. This meant that it was easy to take them apart for repairs, even in remote locations.

In the 1920s the Government appointed Mr Bean of Smith Street, Hillhead, as the Crown Agent for the Colonies Resident Inspecting Engineer at the Albion Motor Works. He was responsible for testing vehicles before they were sent abroad to the colonies.

Reference: T82 - 53a

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

Albion Motor Car Co, Albion Motor Co, Albion Motor Works, Albion Works, lorries

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