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Mark McManus
Mark McManus

Sammy Dow's

Glasgow City Archives, Planning Department

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Sammy Dow's

Samuel Dow's public house in Mitchell Street, a popular city centre "howff" photographed in 1964.

Samuel Dow was a well-known name in the licensed trade in Glasgow from the early years of the 19th century. But it was the third generation Samuel Dow who significantly expanded the business in the latter years of the century. He moved the headquarters to Great Clyde Street, where "Samuel Dow's Special Blend" of "old Highland whisky" was produced in large quantities, much of it for export worldwide.

The move allowed the premises in Mitchell Street to be renovated, as described in The Victualling Trades' Review in 1894: "Mr Dow has completely gutted out the old shop. The bar is now one of the largest in Scotland, and is fitted up with the most recent improvements. Everything that artistic taste can suggest has been applied to the interior, and the two rooms, fitted up with stained-glass, and splendidly upholstered, are models of comfort and convenience."

Reference: Glasgow City Archives, D-PL 2/1/1511

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

exports, Highlands, licensed trade, public house bars, public houses, publicans, pubs, Sammy Dow's, Samuel Dow's, Samuel Dow's Special Blend, Scotch whisky, stained glass

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