Two bandstands with their associated amphitheatres were in use at the Scottish Exhibition in 1911. The Kelvin Bandstand is featured in the foreground of this photograph, with a large audience enjoying a concert. It was situated on the right bank of the River Kelvin, which can be seen in the background. On the opposite bank of the river overlooking the bandstand was the Grand Amphitheatre, with a capacity of 10,000.
Experience from previous exhibitions showed that light music was sure to pull in the crowds. A daily programme, price one penny, gave details of the performances of military bands, brass bands and pipe bands. The fine weather which prevailed during the summer of 1911 helped ensure the success of the outdoor music programme.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f606.4 (1911)
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries and Archives
amphitheatres, bands, bandstands, brass bands, exhibitions, Grand Amphitheatre, Kelvin Bandstand, military bands, music, pipe bands, River Kelvin, Scottish Exhibition of National History,
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