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Total Abstinence

People's Palace, Social History File

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Total  Abstinence

A membership card for the Cowcaddens Juvenile Total Abstinence Society, 1860s. The society was a branch of the Cowcaddens Total Abstinence Society, one of many teetotal organisations (opposed to the consumption of all alcoholic beverages) to attract popular support in Victorian Glasgow.

This card was printed from the original copper plate which is now in the People's Palace collection. In order to join the society, the new recruit had to promise to abstain from "ale, porter, cyder, wine, ginger cordial, ardent spirits and all other intoxicating liquors".

Reference: / SP.2002.70

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

children, Cowcaddens Juvenile Total Abstinence Society, membership cards, teetotal societies, teetotalism, temperance, temperance pledges

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