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International Exhibition, 1901

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection

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International Exhibition, 1901

As in 1888, it was intended that the International Exhibition of 1901 would be opened by the Prince of Wales. However the untimely death of Queen Victoria in January meant that he became the new sovereign, King Edward VII, and was unable to attend the official opening. His daughter, Princess Louise, Duchess of Fife, was delegated to perform the ceremony along with her husband, the Duke of Fife.

Large and enthusiastic crowds greeted the Royal party on 2 May as it proceeded in fine weather from St Enoch Station to Kelvingrove Park. The Grand Entrance was unlocked by the Duchess, wielding a golden key.

The illustration shows the scene in the Grand Concert Hall, where the formal ceremony took place. The Duke of Fife conveyed the King's wishes for the success of the Exhibition.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC f606.4 (1901)

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries and Archives

exhibitions, Grand Concert Hall, International Exhibition, 1901, Kelvingrove Park, opening ceremonies

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